Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

1)My name is Victor Sanchez

2)My favorite class so far has been Abnormal psychology because we get to see different human behaviors and how to approach this behaviors.

3)I chose to take this course upon others for a variety of reasons. 1) I work as a teacher assistant and I do not get to work in the summer. This way I could have more time to concentrate in this material. 2) This is a 5 unint class and since I am paying for my classes I want to make my money to be worth it. I could' ve register other classes, however, I ran out of money to add more classes and pay to be a full time student.

4) I love statistics, I'm sure that whatever material we cover will expand my knowledge about statistics about life and I'm sure this class is the perfect tool for that. It covers may life issues.

5) I like statistics pretty much because it is relate it to everyday issues, however, sometimes in order to solve a problem there is a lot of reading.

6) Other interest that I have besides this program is a minor in Biology since I'm interested in a Psychiatry program.

7)The worst teacher I ever had was last summer. This professor did not have a slide and all she did was write on the board, read from the book and would teach in a extremely fast pace.

8) The best teacher I ever had was in the fall 2008. This teacher, pretty much would do the same thing Dr, Curtis does. He would pass out handouts bout the lesson in order for the students to concentrate on the lesson and not on having to write notes from the slides.

9) I consider myself to be a visual learner, so I learned easer by watching and then trying the material on my own then sharing it with my peers, then finally showing it to the instructor.

10) Something else I want to add to this questionary is that, I hope I can add to this course. I definately don't want to waste this summer quarter and delay on my classes. Thank you.